Transforming lives and communities together…

LinC National integrates local church and community support for thousands of people in neighbourhoods across Australia.

Pictured: Julie Szabo, National Coordinator

LinC National Coordinator – Julie Szabo

Welcome to our LinC National Church Services Network website. We trust it helps clarify your understanding of LinC National’s unique, long standing and successful community engagement model for churches.

We are excited to introduce Julie Szabo as our National Coordinator.  Julie is supporting the LinC National board and LinC Affiliates in 2023.  She has organised a State Gathering of Victorian Affiliates, which was a great day of sharing ideas, challenges and opportunities. We also explored ways of providing mutual support between Affiliates and LinC National.  We hope we can do the same in our other states as well.  We are looking forward to sharing ideas, supporting and encouraging each other.

We continue to respond to the loneliness pandemic, highlighted during the pandemic, by implementing our ‘NeighbourLinC’ project. The first stage began in 2021 and is LinC CALL, where friendships are developed via weekly phone calls between caring volunteers and isolated neighbours.  LinC National has developed a comprehensive training and support package for Affiliates wishing to implement LinC CALL. Several affiliates have started this program and the response has been positive.

Some Affiliates are ready to implement Stage Two of the NeighbourLinC Project which involves ‘LinC UPS’ whereby telephone friends are engaged in regular social catch-ups and activities.

We look forward to supporting and encouraging all our LinC Affiliates this year as they reach out to neighbours in need of the unconditional love and care that our LinC ministry provides.

Watch how LinC helps churches to help people…

What we do

LinC National enables local churches to unite and build capacity for helping people in their neighbourhoods across Australia.

How we do it

LinC National provides pathways to support vulnerable people through strong community connections and collaboration.

LinC operates under the principles of inclusion, building community capacity and social cohesion through effective and sustainable practices.

One of LinC’s Core Values is to be responsive to unmet needs and trends identified in current research.

Why we do it

LinC National recognises…

All people

There are many people of all ages and backgrounds in local neighbourhoods across Australia who are lonely, socially isolated, need a friend, support and social connection.

Volunteering benefits

There are many people in local Christian churches who would like to help people experience positive social connection, supportive relationships, sense of belonging and the joy of neighbourhood life.

We are one

There are many churches wanting to connect more with each other and their communities. Our values, expertise and successful model for integrating church and community support can help them achieve this.

Let’s make a difference together….

If you would like to learn more about establishing a LinC Affiliate in your area or would like to support the work of LinC National, contact us today.

We want to hear from you!

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