About Us
LinC Hornsby is comprised of volunteers from local Christian churches, and has been in
operation for 31 years. In fact, we were the first LinC Affiliate to operate in Australia when
World Vision first borrowed the idea from the USA.
“LinC” stands for ‘Love in the Name of Christ’ and our trained volunteers show that in
practical ways to people in our community who are in need of help of some kind. LinC
provides practical ways for individual Christians to be use their skills, gifts, and resources to
show love, in action, in their community.
In order for the LinC ministry to be effective at the local level, good relationships must be
established and maintained in a mutually beneficial, three-way relationship between local
agencies, the LinC Referral Office and the participating churches. Cooperation, not
duplication, is the aim.
Our network of churches
Currently we have volunteers from the following churches in the region:-
- Berowra Uniting Church
- Galston Uniting Church
- Hornsby Presbyterian Church
- Hornsby Uniting Church
- Ku-ring-gai Chase Catholic Parish (2 churches)
- Mt Colah Uniting Church
- Northern Life Baptist Church
- Our Lady of the Rosary – Waitara
- St John’s Anglican Church, Asquith
- St Luke’s Anglican Church, Hornsby Heights
- St Mark’s Anglican Church, Berowra
- St Paul’s Anglican Church, Wahroonga change to: Wahroonga Anglican Church
- St Peter’s Anglican Church, Hornsby
- Waitara Gospel Chapel
Who do we support?
Using trained volunteers, we support people in the Hornsby Shire community who have
needs, particularly:
- Transport to medical appointments
- Visitation
- Short-term grocery shopping
- Emergency Food
- Regular phone contact
- Short-term General assistance
- Refreshments at Hornsby Court House
Confidentiality is assured.
Our services
We offer free transport for those who have difficulty getting to medical
appointments, or the shops, if we have a volunteer available at the required date and time.
We reach out by phone to build enduring friendships with those who have been
our clients at some point.
We compile a newsletter 3 or 4 times year and distribute it to all our volunteers
and supporters, including to the leadership of their commending churches.
Tea at the Court House
These refreshments are temporarily suspended due to Covid.
How you could help, as a volunteer
Our volunteers come from local churches and can help in any of the following roles:
- Rostered help in our Referral Centre
- Rostered help with Refreshments at the Court House
- General caring for and assistance of clients
- Join the Prayer Group
- Contacting clients by phone from the Referral Centre or your home
- Transport of clients to and from medical appointments or for shopping, etc.
Our services are offered free of charge, but some clients insist on making a donation. We
also gratefully accept donations from local churches and other organisations and members of
our community who want to help us have an impact.
Donate to: Love in the Name of Christ
BSB 032-285
A/c no. 582265
Contact details
Phone: 0411 688 933
Postal address:
LinC Hornsby, PO Box 453, Hornsby NSW 1630
Email LinC Hornsby
Web: lincnational.org.au/linc-hornsby
Referral Centre office hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 10am to 12 noon